Treating Retinitis Pigmentosa with
Traditional Chinese Medicine

Help Patients Who Can’t Afford Treatment

Over the years Wellspring Clinic has successfully treated many RP patients around the world. Some of these patients, feeling blessed to have their vision back, want to pay it forward by supporting RP patients who are unable to afford the cost of the treatment.

If you suffer from RP and need financial assistance in order to have the WVIP treatment, please submit your “story” below, for potential sponsors to read.

Thank you,
Dr. Yu

Share Your Story

Contact Dr. Yu

Start your Journey towards Recovery

Dr. Yu focuses on you, the individual, and how you manifest health. By identifying and addressing the underlying cause(s), disease dissipates and optimal health ensues.


Visit Us

Wellspring Clinic for Holistic Medicine
916 West King Edward Avenue, Vancouver, BC V5Z 2E2

Toll Free: 1-877-737-7876 (USA/Canada)
Local: 604-737-7876